Joseph – Sam Harris
Narrators – Phoebe Carroll, Amelia Frost, Teddy Hinde
Jacob/Butler/Ishmaelite – Sam Dowden
Reuben – Emily Crellin
Simeon – Victoria Wakeling
Levi – Laura Coleman
Naphtali – Lauren Frost
Issachar – Charlie Harris
Asher – Tom Roberts
Dan – Tilly Grist
Zebulon – Robert Egan
Gad – Katie Bowen
Benjamin – Jack Carroll
Judah – George Pruden
Potiphar/Guard/Goat – Harry Waterman
Mrs. Potiphar/Chorus – Beau Treasure
Pharaoh/Guard/Goat – Ryan Cooper
Baker/Chorus – Rebecca Dawkins
Ellen Frost, Laila Oram, Jasmine Rowles, Ella-Mae Redmore, Sophia Casey, Lily Waterman, Ruby Waterman, Tilly Bowen, Hannah Frost, Sophie Wiseman, Becky Wiseman.
Childrens chaperones – Sarah Frost, Jane Casey
Childrens Co-ordinator – Joanne Waterman
Set Construction – Jane Pruden, John Wiseman, Di Harris, Gil Oliphant, Emma Maguire, Carl Pruden, Lara Smith, Lousie Cooper
Lighting – Pete Tincknell, Ted Jenkins
Accompanist – Jane Roberts
Backstage Manager – Ann Gouldney
Backstage Crew – Ted Jenkins, Gay Harrison, Di Harris
Props – Gay Harrison, Tim Gould
Make up – Pam Griffin, Lousie Cooper
Hair – Jackie Treasure
Box Office – Gill Tincknell
Fundraising & Hospitality – Lyn Hinde
Publicity – Anna Wiseman, Jo Williams, Gill Tincknell
Bar – Clea Frost, Sharon Dawkins, Sarah Frost
Accounts – Jane Casey
Hall Cleaning – Gay and Stephen Harrison
You could feel the excitement in the air as you walked into Wookey Church Hall on the opening night of Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. The show opened on Wednesday June 19, the hottest day of the year and Wookey Youth Theatre delivered a sizzling performance. The cast, all children from Wookey Primary School, Wells Blue School and Crispin School in Street put on a fantastic show.
The musical by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber is based on the biblical tale of Joseph, found in the Book of Genesis. Joseph, his father’s favourite son, is sold into slavery by his jealous brothers, ends up in jail but manages to rise to power in Egypt through his interpretation of dreams. He becomes second only to Pharaoh.
The narrators, played by Phoebe Carroll, Amelia Frost and Teddy Hinde sang really beautifully as they helped the story unfold. Joseph (Sam Harris) put on a great performance in the starring role. Sam Rowden, who played his father, Jacob, the Butler and an Ishmaelite, gave a versatile and equally compelling performance. He was joined in jail by the Baker (Rebecca Dawkins) who sang beautifully and cut a dash with her twirly moustache.
The brothers were brilliant. They looked like they were enjoying themselves as much as the audience and everyone sang and acted with gusto right down to the youngest, six-year-old George Pruden (Judah) who got a huge cheer at the end. Their performance was full of humour and got a lot of laughs (in all the right places).
Harry Waterman’s Potiphar was superb. His timing and delivery were second to none. Mrs Potiphar (nine-year-old Beau Treasure) sparkled sweetly and gave a beautiful performance. Pharaoh (Ryan Cooper) brought the house down. His Elvis costume looked fantastic and his performance was full of wit and swagger. The chorus clearly enjoyed playing the part of screaming fans and threw themselves into their ‘bop bop showaddy waddies’.
Several members of the chorus were only six or seven years old. They all sang out beautifully throughout the show and behaved like true professionals. There was also some great dancing. The children looked and sounded amazing. Their voices sounded beautiful and combined with the brilliant piano playing of accompanist, Jane Roberts to powerful effect. It was a very uplifting performance, and everyone came out with a smile on their faces (and more than one or two with a tear in their eye). Hats off to director Polly Carroll, producer Liz Bowen and everyone who took part in the show.
Joseph closed to a standing ovation on Saturday night. If you missed it there will be another chance to see the cast perform some of the songs from the show at the Ride Aid concert at Wells Blue School on Friday 5th July.